Being A Gallery of Lumencrafter Light Sculptures by Reid Dennison
Cara link captions & pictures for each sculpture to appropriate page

Below are short descriptions and a few photos of each work; some are available right now; some are in private collections; some have been dismantled and re-used; some are simply not for sale. Click on the title to learn more about that sculpture or how to commission your own unique Lumencrafter light sculpture.
~Appalachia Layers of soft white undulating polycarbonate panels with hand-painted red, yellow and blue accents. in a private collection.

~A Roar, a Boar, y Alice Twenty-two feet of acrylic tube and polycarbonate cycle through a changing palette of glowing colour.

~Atlas of the Stars Violet-pink and soft white dew drop LEDs shine through a panel of white and clear polycarbonate strips fastened to a free-standing plywood grid frame.

~Barn Star Lumencrafter’s version of the traditional Pennsylvania German farmers’ barn star imposes a playful strip grid on a slightly skewed 5-pointed star.

~Box Light LED wall sconce light sculpture. Soft white LED fairy lights set within a diffusion plate surrounded by a steel grid frame, slender twinwall strips laddering through the frame.

~Campfire A swirling fiery rope light contained in a wire mesh cylinder shot through with strips of laddered polycarbonate twinwall. in a private collection.

~Cascade Words don’t come near to conveying the grace of this piece. Not for sale; something similar may be commissioned. No two Lumencrafter sculptures are exactly alike. That’s part of their charm.

~City of Light I & II the first piece, and it’s Cara’s, forever. However, Reid did make a similar piece as a commission.

~Crucible of Beauty Firelight flickers under a grid of wild shapes on which rests a deer skull we found in the woods. dismantled; no longer for sale.

~If Not Now… spiralled rope light behind polycarbonate, wire mesh. in a private collection.

~Runnin’ On cool white LED rope light shines through a polycarbonate diffusion circle as thin, laddered strips poke through surrounding steel mesh cylinder.

~Shatter I & II present a two-dimensional face to the world; the whimsy lies in shape and colour. Smooth, simple, sweet. in private collections.

~Solar Thing Polycarbonate strips zigzagging through a metal grid embedded with green-hued LED mini-lights create pleasing geometrical patterns. for sale here CAra link to product page

~Strata simple, small, elegant ambience. in a private collection.

~Table Light simple, small, elegant ambience. for sale here.

~Tectonic Ladder like tectonic plates: slow movement leading to dramatic change. for sale here.

~ This Year’s Model, a.k.a. If You Lived Here, You’d be Home by Now This piece was dismantled for Matrix of Beauty and exists now only in memory.

~Violet-Green Swallow If I were to be a bird, it would be a swooping swallow. This sculpture is now the ceiling fixture in my main work area. The rope light is quite bright, excellent for my work. for sale here.

~Weight of Beauty waves of colour undulate through layers of plywood and polycarbonate. for sale here.

~White Gold Shimmers of white and gold play catch-me-if-you-can in a slender container of polycarbonate struts and spars. for sale here.

Th-th-that’s all folks! These twenty one designs emerged out of a particular time and space. for a commission, click here. to contact us, here.